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Rome, sestertius, Hadrian, Roma Aeterna
..da Ancient & Medieval Coins.
Hi all
Earlier Roman bronze is not my thing..this coin came in a lot I bought from a metal detecting club here in UK.
25g 30mm
Hadrian and Aeternae? on reverse, but I'm stuck.
I'd like to know the full ID please...
Thanks in advance everyone.
plate 1
Click the images to enlarge
Rome, 21.1.2024
I report below the significant elements regarding the figure coin:

Sestertius (orichalcum)1, Rome mint, 136 A. D.2, RIC II 775 (pag. 438), RIC II, Part 3 (second edition) Hadrian 2283 (pag. 226), Cohen II 1302 (pag. 215), rarity index "R2"

Summary description (parts of the legend that are worn or no longer legible are indicated in red):
D. HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P3. Hadrian, bare head, draped bust right, viewed from back or side, holding sceptre and Victory.
R. ROMA AETERNA4. Roma seated right on curule chair holding sceptre and Victory. S C5 across fields.

A web search for coins of the figure type produced the following results:

  1. vcoins Title: Hadrian (AD 117-138) Ę Sestertius / Ex Curtis Clay Collection Attribution: RIC II.3 2283; RIC II 775; Cohen 1302 Rome Date: AD 134-138 Obverse: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate and draped bust right. Reverse: [ROMA AETERNA], Roma seated right on curule chair, [SC] across fields Size: 30.37mm Weight: 24.95 grams Description: VG. Ex Curtis Clay Collection with his tag. Purchased in 1995. No examples found in Coin Archives Pro. US$ 125.00, € 114.81 Rates for: 01/20/24 01/20/24.
  2. Descrizione del tipo Tipo d'oggetto: Moneta Data: AD 136 Nominale: Sesterzio Tecnica di produzione: Coniato Materiale: Oricalco. Autoritą emittente Autoritą emittente: Adriano Geografico Zecca: Roma Regione: Italia Dritto Legenda: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P Tipo: Bust of Hadrian, draped, right, viewed from rear or side. Ritratto: Adriano. Rovescio Legenda: ROMA AETERNA // S C (in field) Tipo: Roma seated right, holding sceptre and Victory Divinitą: Roma. Riferimento: RIC II Hadrian 775. Collezione Bibliothčque nationale de France. Numero identificativo. IMP-1210. Diametro (in mm) 30. Peso (in g) 25.79.
Let us come to the conclusions. Within the limits of a remote assessment the coin appears to have acceptable physical, general and stylistic characteristics. If authentic, its market value, in my opinion, should be about 250 €.


(1) Sestertius (orichalcum). I collect in the table below the physical characteristics of the sestertii of the figure type found in the links above:
Reference wheight (g) Diameter (mm) Die axis (h)
Link1 24,95 30,37 -
Link2 25,79 30 -
It can be seen from the table that the physical characteristics of the coin shown (25g, 30mm) are within the margins of variability of period coins of the same type.
(2) The coin is dated to the period between Hadrian's return to Rome from the East (AD 134) and the emperor's death (AD 138). Hadrian, on his return to Rome, celebrates his arrival, greeted by the city goddess, and varies the theme by showing the goddesses Fortuna and Felicitas welcoming him on return. The galley that has brought him home is also shown, with the legend expressing Felicitas, A sixth largesse is given in honour of the event. Vows are undertaken for the Emperor's welfare ('Salus Aug.' and 'Vota Publica'), the happy fruits of Hadrian's long reign are expressed in a variety of 'Felicitas' types and types of 'Fides Publica', 'lustitia Aug.', 'Roma Aeterna', 'Roma Felix', 'Securitas Aug.' and 'Tellus Stabil.'
(3) HADRIANVS - AVG COS III P P (HADRIANVS AVGustus COnSul III Pater Patriae). For a historical summary on this sovereign, I refer to the website,
(4) ROMA AETERNA Eternal Rome and empire can no doubt feel secure following the defeat of the Jewish Revolt of 136 and dislodging rebels from the stygian cave systems of the judean desert (Ric N.E. pages 55-56).
(5) S C. (Senatus Consulto, "by decree of the Senate") was the usual abbreviation affixed to the Roman bronze nominals (sesterces, dupondi and asses) to indicate the exclusive competence of the Roman Senate in decisions relating to the issues of those coins (the gold and silver coinage, which does not bear that acronym, fell instead within the direct competence of the emperor).
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